Ex-offender turned author discusses importance of reentry
Angela Stanton is a best-selling author, a publisher, a mother of four and the creator of Reclaim It Albany.
It's a program she started to try to give returning citizens the support they need when getting back on their feet.
She knows the importance of that support all too well.
"When I was released from prison in 2005, I was given $25 and a bus ticket and I was told here go start your life over," said Stanton.

Trump exposing, obliterating Democrats' evil socialist agenda
Ms. Stanton-King delivered her baby in prison while handcuffed to the bed under the gawking eyes of a male guard — a policy the Democrats failed to change. Her family was fractured while she served a lengthy prison sentence for a fraud charge — a sentence that white offenders rarely have to endure — while Democratic leaders looked the other way.
When she was released she had no family, no money, no job, no place to live. Because of the benevolence of strangers and the grace of Christ, she made it. And because of Mr. Trump’s First Step and Second Chance prison reform initiatives, she now has a structure in which to help others make it too.
Alaska and Amazon vie to hire 2,200 to be freed under Trump prison reform
A leading work option is emerging in Alaska, where thousands of people may be hooked up with seasonal work thanks to a chance White House meeting between Alaska labor commissioner Tamika Ledbetter and ex-inmate turned activist Angela Stanton.
Ledbetter, an African American Republican, and Stanton, a reality TV star and founder of the American King Foundation, met at an April "opportunity zones" event and found their needs matched. Alaska's seafood industry had 4,000 job vacancies, and 4,000 inmates were expected to be released under an expansion of "good time" credit in the First Step Act. Ledbetter referred Stanton to Copper River Seafoods, which has four far-flung locations and many openings.

Angela Stanton-King
Angela Stanton-King is the executive director of the American King Foundation, which is the continuation of the King legacy. Although not a King family member by blood, Stanton-King was adopted by Alveda King and promoted for her hard work and dedication to criminal justice reform.

Kardashian effect: Trump White House tries to tame a chaotic, celebrity-driven approach to pardons
WASHINGTON – When Alveda King was invited to the White House last month, the Atlanta pastor and niece of Martin Luther King Jr. brought with her a list of more than 90 names – all federal prison inmates seeking presidential clemency.
King's list was compiled with the help of her goddaughter Angela Stanton, an Atlanta author ("Lies of a Real Housewife") and reality show cast member (BET's "From the Bottom Up") who served time in prison herself for her part in a stolen car ring.

Alveda King to Join Activist Angela Stanton King for 'Day of Empathy
In an effort to “Generate Compassion on a Massive Scale for millions impacted by the criminal justice system,” social justice activist Angela Stanton King will join diverse community leaders and foot soldiers at the Right Direction Church in Columbia, SC, on March 5, 2019, to continue the wave of cries for righteous justice for oppressed Americans who have been harmed by an outdated criminal justice system in America and other crimes against humanity.
Stanton-King is the founder of The American King Foundation and goddaughter of Civil Rights Activist Evangelist Alveda King. Stanton King is partnering with #cut50 and other organizations from across the country to take part in the National Day of Empathy.